Getting out and About
Observing and following their lead
“Follow my lead when we’re out and about in our My Babiie Stroller. I am always discovering new things. Even before I can talk, I am taking in the world around me and will let you know about things that I like. I might coo, look at an object or point at something. Sharing the focus with me helps me to grow, feel safe and loved.”
My Babiie Stroller is a great opportunity to playfully interact and share the focus with your baby out and about. Notice what attracts your babies’ attention. What are they looking at or pointing to... a big tree in the park, a yellow bus going past or something small like their stroller buckle? Take a moment to name and chat about the thing they’re interested in, bring them closer so they can see or touch it.
Use positive, encouraging language and open questions. Give them a moment to think, respond and express themselves. Sometimes they may get excited by something else they see and move on, there so much to see!
Focusing on your babies’ interests, naming their observations, will help them to make important language connections in their brain about objectives, actions, and words.
When you notice what your baby is interested in, you’re rewarding their curiosity. This helps your baby to feel understood and support by you, which deepens the trust between you. Your baby needs this security and confidence to reach out into the world continue to explore, experiment, discover, and learn.
Making up stories
“Even from a young age, I like it when you tell me a story, or when I am a little older, we make one up together. It’s even better when stories are silly, or they are about people or things I like. I get to learn new words, sounds and my imagination grows.”
When going out with your baby using the My Babiie Stroller, use the time to make up stories together. Babies love it when these are about things your baby likes or can see along the way. Picking something they like will make them feel valued and the activity more fun.
Use simple sentences, repetition, a range of words connected to things they see in their environment to boost their exposure to new language.
Have a go at using different voices and facial expression. This is brilliant way to keep them engaged and spark their imagination.
If you need some inspiration, ask them to join. Take turns adding to the story, or use their favourite toy, or to suggest a name for a character. It doesn’t matter where the story takes you, your baby will enjoy using their imagination and exploring it with you!