• When should pram be forward facing? A guide for new and expectant Mums

    When should pram be forward facing? A guide for new and expectant Mums
    As a new or expectant mum, one of the exciting milestones you'll encounter is transitioning your little one from facing you in the pram to facing the world. This moment marks a new chapter in your baby's development, as they begin to explore and interact with their surroundings. In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of forward-facing prams and provide helpful tips for making...
  • What pram for newborn? A comprehensive guide for new and expectant mums

    What pram for newborn? A comprehensive guide for new and expectant mums
    Congratulations, new mum or mum-to-be! As you prepare for the arrival of your precious little one, one of the most important decisions you'll make is choosing the perfect pram for your newborn. With so many options on the market, it can feel overwhelming to know where to start. That's why My Babiie is here to help guide you through the process and introduce you...
  • My Babiie bring home 2 new Awards!

    My Babiie bring home 2 new Awards!
    My Babiie were thrilled to learn that we have been awarded not one, but two awards from the Mother and Baby 2022 Awards! We were nominated for Best Highchair and Best Travel system for 2 of Dani Dyer's products from her Cherish Range. Best Highchair Dani Dyer Blush Leopard Premium Highchair What the judges said "The Dani Dyer Blush Leopard Premium Highchair is nice...
  • My Babiie Shortlisted for the Mother & Baby Awards 2022

    My Babiie Shortlisted for the Mother & Baby Awards 2022
    My Babiie entered a couple of our products into the 2022 Mother & Baby awards, My Babiie Mother and Baby Awards which celebrates the very best products, stores and brands around. Products are tested by an army of mums whose verdicts help decide just who deserves to get the coveted gold, silver and bronze rosettes.
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