Each supplier to My Babiie is required to adhere to the terms outlined in the "My Babiie Supplier Manual." This manual is provided to each supplier at the start of our relationship and is updated periodically. When updates are made, your relationship manager will provide the latest version. While the manual contains detailed technical specifications for trading with My Babiie, the following section outlines the Code of Conduct that we expect all suppliers to comply with at all times.

1.0 - Labour and Human Rights

My Babiie believes all workers in our supply chain deserve a fair, ethical, and respectful workplace. Workers must be treated with the highest level of dignity, and My Babiie’s suppliers shall uphold the strictest standards of human rights.

1.1 - Anti-Discrimination

Suppliers shall not discriminate against any worker on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, union membership, or any other status protected by applicable national or local law, in both hiring and employment practices. Suppliers shall not require pregnancy or medical tests unless legally required or necessary for workplace safety. Suppliers must not discriminate based on test results.

1.2 - Anti-Harassment and Abuse

Suppliers are required to maintain a workplace free from any form of harassment and abuse. Suppliers must not subject workers to harsh or inhumane treatment, including but not limited to verbal abuse, psychological harassment, mental or physical coercion, or sexual harassment.

1.3 - Prevention of Involuntary Labor and Human Trafficking

Suppliers must ensure that all work is voluntary. The use of slave labor, forced labor, bonded labor, indentured labor, or prison labor is strictly prohibited. Involuntary labor includes, but is not limited to, the transportation, harboring, recruitment, transfer, or employment of persons through threat, coercion, fraud, abduction, or payments to individuals in control of workers for the purpose of exploitation. Suppliers are not permitted to withhold workers’ original government-issued identification or travel documents. Employment contracts must clearly state the terms and conditions in a language understood by the workers. Additionally, suppliers must not impose unreasonable restrictions on workers’ freedom of movement within the workplace or when entering or leaving company-provided accommodations. Workers shall not be required to pay recruitment fees or similar charges to secure employment. If any such fees have been paid, the supplier must ensure they are repaid to the worker.

1.4 - Third-Party Employment Agencies

My Babiie requires that suppliers ensure any third-party recruitment agencies they engage are fully compliant with this Supplier Code of Conduct and all applicable laws. Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that these agencies follow the same ethical standards expected from My Babiie’s direct suppliers.

1.5 - Prevention of Underage Labor

Suppliers must employ workers who are at least 15 years of age, the minimum legal age for employment, or the age for completing compulsory education, whichever is higher. Suppliers may offer legitimate apprenticeship programs that provide educational benefits, in line with Article 6 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Minimum Age Convention No. 138, or light work as permitted under Article 7 of the same convention.

1.6 - Juvenile Worker Protections

Suppliers may employ workers who are above the legal minimum working age but under 18 years of age, provided that their work does not jeopardize their health, safety, or moral development, as per ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138. Suppliers must ensure that juvenile workers are not required to work overtime or during nighttime hours.

1.7 - Student Worker Protections

Suppliers must ensure proper management and protection of student workers. This includes maintaining accurate student records, conducting thorough due diligence on educational partners, and upholding the rights of student workers in accordance with applicable laws. Suppliers must also provide appropriate training and support to student workers, ensuring their development and well-being.

1.8 - Working Hours

Suppliers must limit the workweek to a maximum of 60 hours, including overtime, and workers must be given at least one day off every seven days, except in cases of emergencies or extraordinary circumstances. A regular workweek should not exceed 48 hours. Suppliers are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding working hours and rest periods, and any overtime must be voluntary.

2.0 - Health, Safety, and Environmental Responsibility

Suppliers shall maintain safe working conditions and comply with all local laws regarding health and safety. Suppliers must:

- Provide workers with clean and safe environments, proper training, and access to necessary safety equipment.

- Implement environmental practices that minimize waste, reduce pollution, and use resources efficiently, in alignment with all legal requirements.

3.0 - Business Integrity

Suppliers shall conduct business in an honest and ethical manner, avoiding any form of corruption, bribery, extortion, or fraud. Suppliers shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning anti-corruption and anti-bribery.

3.1 - Ethical Trading and Anti-Poaching

Suppliers must engage in fair and ethical trading practices. Suppliers shall not engage in actions aimed at soliciting or poaching My Babiie employees or contractors. Any attempt to hire or engage current or former My Babiie staff within 12 months of their departure from My Babiie, without prior written consent, is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, suppliers are prohibited from circumventing My Babiie by directly approaching or supplying products or services to My Babiie’s customers, partners, or affiliates without written approval from My Babiie. Any such actions will be considered a breach of contract and may result in termination of the business relationship and potential legal action.

3.2 - Anti-Circumvention and Customer Protection

Suppliers shall respect My Babiie’s relationships with its customers. Suppliers are expressly prohibited from attempting to bypass My Babiie in order to sell directly to My Babiie’s customers or distributors. Any such efforts to circumvent My Babiie will be treated as a breach of contract and may result in legal action.

4.0 - Continuous Improvement and Audits

Suppliers are expected to continuously improve their business practices and may be subject to audits to ensure compliance with this Code. Violations of this Code may jeopardize the supplier's relationship with My Babiie, including suspension or termination of the contract.

4.1 - Corrective Action Process

Supplier shall have a process for timely correction of any deficiencies or violations identified by an internal or external audit, assessment, inspection, investigation, or review.    

5.0 - Environmental Responsibility

My Babiie is committed to environmental protection, with sustainability being a core principle in how we operate. Suppliers are expected to adopt, implement, and maintain environmentally responsible business practices throughout their operations.

5.1 - Environmental Permits and Reporting

Suppliers must obtain, maintain, and comply with all required environmental permits and meet the reporting requirements specified by applicable permits and regulations.

5.2 - Regulated Substances

Suppliers must comply with My Babiie’s specifications regarding regulated substances for all products manufactured for, or supplied to, My Babiie.

5.3 - Hazardous Waste Management

Suppliers shall implement a systematic approach to identify, manage, reduce, and responsibly dispose of or recycle hazardous waste in compliance with applicable laws.

5.4 - Non-Hazardous Waste Management

Suppliers must develop and maintain a structured process to manage, reduce, and responsibly dispose of or recycle non-hazardous waste.

5.5 - Wastewater Management

Suppliers are required to identify, control, and reduce wastewater generated by their operations. Regular monitoring of wastewater treatment systems must be conducted to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.

5.6 - Stormwater Management

Suppliers must have processes in place to prevent contamination of stormwater runoff and avoid illegal discharges and spills that could affect storm drains, the public water supply, or bodies of water.

5.7 - Air Emissions Management

Suppliers must implement strategies to identify, manage, reduce, and control air emissions that may pose an environmental risk. Suppliers should regularly monitor their air emission control systems to ensure they are functioning effectively.

Suppliers must quantify, set targets, and monitor progress to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by adopting conservation measures, using clean energy, or other sustainable practices.

5.8 - Boundary Noise Management

Suppliers shall monitor, control, and reduce noise generated by their facilities to minimize the impact on surrounding areas.

5.9 - Resource Consumption Management

Suppliers are expected to regularly assess, set targets, monitor, and reduce their consumption of fossil fuels, water, hazardous substances, and natural resources through conservation, reuse, recycling, or substitution where applicable.


This Code draws from industry and internationally accepted principles such as the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) formerly known as the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC), Ethical Trading Initiative, International Labor Organization’s (ILO) International Labor Standards, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Social Accountability International, SA 8000, the ILO’s Code of Practice in Safety and Health, National Fire Protection Association, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, and OHSAS 18001. This Code is not intended to create new or additional rights for any third party.

Version 1.3 (Effective Date: 01.06.2021)

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